
Research Interests:

It is my good fortune to work on one of the most relevant and enjoyable place on Earth: the coast. I am interested in nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics processes along wave-dominated sandy coasts on the timescales from a few seconds (wave motions) to decades including climate change effects. I particularly love working on (1) rip currents, including the implications from the perspective of beach safety and lifeguarding (see our Open Access rip current review paper co-authored with our Australian and UK colleagues), (2) sandy beach morphodynamics including the dune system, (3) impact and recovery from severe storms and (4) long-term shoreline evolution.

Most of my recent research has been done in the framework of the projects BARBEC (ANR N2010 JCJC 602 01, 2010-2014, PI); CHIPO (ANR-14-ASTR-0004, 2014-2017, PI), SONO (ANR-17-CE01-0014, 2017-2022, PI) and recently SHORMOSAT (2022-2026, PI) all financially supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), project DECA (INSU/EC2CO-DRILL, 2013-2016, PI) and BARDEX II (HYDRALAB-IV/EU, Leader of Work Package "Numerical Modelling", PI: Prof. Gerd Masselink, Plymouth University).

My training and expertise rely on numerical modelling, both using fully process-based approach or reduced complexity approach (data-driven, behaviour-oriented), but I also play with physical modelling, data-assimilation methods, and observational techniques such as current and wave measurements, bottom mapping and remote sensing (video on fixed station or UAVs which is even more fun, satellite) through national and international collaborations. I also love being used as a Lagrangian drifter in the surf. An important part of my activity concerns knowledge transfer towards coastal stakeholders, lifeguards, general public, particularly around coastal adaptation and beach safety.

For a more extensive overview of my research activities, please refer to my (somewhat outdated now) HDR (in French) published in 2012 that can be downloaded HERE.